UX design

Web app

Design system

Increasing efficiency for remote sign language interpreters with an interface that caters to their specific needs

Increasing efficiency for remote sign language interpreters with an interface that caters to their specific needs

Interprefy is an event-tech company that provides remote simultaneous interpretation and a leader in their field.

A part of their is remote sign language interpretation. Being remote reduces costs for both clients and the company, but also adds risk — interpreters have to switch every 25-30 minutes and everything has to flow smoothly with no interruptions.

We helped Interprefy to come up with an interface that helps them communicate and minimises friction and disruption.

Splitting UI into three logical blocks

Simultaneous interpretation is a job that requires a high degree of focus. We decided to split the interface into three sections with a focus on speakers and large accessible primary action.

Stupidly simple interaction

Sign language interpreters have to stand a bit away from the computer while doing their work. That makes it very difficult to use mouse, especially if we consider the high degree of focus.

We realised that almost every scenario they ended up in only required one action from them. So to help with that we made one big button. And added a spacebar hotkey (another big button) that never changes regarding of the action.

Focusing attention

The handover between interpreters is usually a part where things might go wrong, so it has to be treated with caution. We combined it together in one block — that allows them to focus their attention, but still keep the context on what's going on during event.

Secondary actions

There are plenty of other things interpreters might need during their sessions.
Secondary actions are visible at all times and also accessible from keyboard.